These have actually been around for a while. I'm surprized they haven't
become more popular. I was just talking about these things with a kayak
fisherman friend of mine. He was off Carpenderia a couple of miles out
when his kayak sprung a leak. He had to dump his batteries and his motor
in order to stay afloat. He ended up bailing water and then paddling for a
while, then bailing again and repeating the process. He finally made it in,
luckily he had a pretting good wet suit on. He was fairly shook up about
the whole thing and this guy is very hard core. Apparently his motor
support started to fatigue the plastic on the rear of the kayak and a split
occured. He actually had a radio but was afraid the athorities would
hammer him on the dumped batteries. He could have alerted another boat but
he didn't think of that. I guess he didn't want a big coast guard cutter
coming to the rescue. But those peguin propulsion things are quite
amazing, the good thing about thme is it frees up your hands for