Joe, I can't remember where it is in my references but believe
that there is some thrust vectoring possible with the X-configuration of the
thrusters. Much of this recent debate would be mute then. R/Jay Respectfully, Jay K. Jeffries Andros Is., Bahamas A skimmer afloat is but
a submarine, so poorly built it will not plunge. -----Original Message----- ".........I would like to see your thruster design
(actual motor pod), if that would be possible.........." James, I don't know yet, this is the "detail"
stuff. What I am doing is determining the concept and, then what it takes to do it. You already have what I will start with, the K boat
plans. Beyond that, I will likely dissect a trolling motor, a well pump, and
mine the ROV groups,.... all for ideas. This along with various
courses and texts. What you see in the model is basic shapes, a cylinder, kort
nozzle and, a prop based on the size of the large Minn-Kotas. Joe >From: "Lil Brother LLC"
<> >Reply-To: >To: <> >Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] NR-2 Thruster
Arrangement >Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 15:03:03 -0500 > >Joe, > >The rigging can be done with different thrusters, but
I'm not sure what >situations may arise. I think it would be safe to
assume (that word again) >that the thrusters (once balanced) should work
correctly in most >situations. >The controls (if done right) should be very intuitive
after an hour of >operating. > >This is all based on theory in my case. The balancing
of the thrusters >could >reduce some of their functionality. For a vertical descent, >the two forward "x" thrusters would have to
be turned down, for the one >rear >vertical thruster to keep up. It may turn out to be
the opposite is true, >I'm not sure at this point. This could all be done
with a microcontroller >setup, and would be independent from pilot thought. > >The problem....the vertical descent would be slower.
You see the evolution >happening here. > >I would like to see your thruster design(actual motor
pod), if that would >be >possible. > >James Long >Owner/Designer >Lil Brother LLC (Instrument Division) >----- Original Message ----- >From: "Joseph Perkel"
<> >To: <> >Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 2:10 PM >Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] NR-2 Thruster
Arrangement > > >Brent, > >I am assuming, (yet to confirm), that rigging the
controls will be easier >and more intuitive with both fore and aft in the X.
Joystick left, or >joystick right, all four are powered but in different
directions. >Directional control one hand....rate (current flow)
the other. Joystick >back >all four thrust downward for rise, joystick forward
all thrust upward for >descent. > >Also, for surface maneuvering, I'll get some twisting
moment out of the aft >mains in opposition. Might as well maximize this
force around the vertical >axis with a lateral as far forward as possible. I
added one here.. > > >Lucky for me, I'll be building all these thrusters
and testing them in the >pool long before, the sub itself! > >Incidentally, the only "glue" time I get on
the computer, is late at night >to do CAD work at the expense of my sleep. The rest of
the time is hit -n- >run and, drive by emails! > >Thanks for helping me "think" this through,
I call it "walking design", >it's >what occupies my mind when walking around.......
Drives my wife insane! > >Joe > > > > >From: "Brent Hartwig" <> > >Reply-To: > >To: > >Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] NR-2 Thruster
Arrangement > >Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:59:27 -0700 > > > > > >Good Morning Joe > > > > > >I caught you glued to the computer again, didn't
I? ; )' > > > >In regards to the NR-2 thruster arrangement, I
was thinking about your >aft > >X thrusters and thought it might perhaps be a
better and cheaper > >arrangement for the aft thrusters to just be the
basic one vertical and >one > >horizontal. This way you'll have the use of the
horizontal thruster for > >surface ops, without adding one in addition to
the X thrusters in the >rear > >of your sub, like your thinking of doing in the
bow. If I understand > >correctly, the X thruster arrangement is
primarily to limit the debris >and > >mud that would be stirred up even more by a
vertical thrust causing you > >trouble in visibility in you view ports. So
since you don't have any >stern > >view ports that I'm aware of I thought the X
thruster arrangement might >not > >be the best option for the stern of NR-2. > > > >Regards, > > > >Brent Hartwig > > > > > >"Those are my principles. If you don't like
them I have others. " > > >
-- Groucho Marx > > > > > > > > >
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