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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Variable Ballast Calculations, Bill

I made a mistake in an earlier post when I wrote....
"So when she initally dove, with her ballast tank water
inlet valves open, she was acting as an ambient sub but her hatches did not pop off." I didn't say this correctly.
What I mean't and what I should have said was.....
 "after filling her ballast tanks at the surface as much as they could be filled which was about half the tanks, they would close off the ballast tank water
inlet valve and then would dive, and once under a short distance, open the ballast tank's inlet valve where she would then be acting as an ambient.
What I didn't make clear was that, she WAS acting as ambient, but.....only AFTER she got under a few meters with outside pressure against the hatch.
During the decent from the surface down to a few meters she was acting as a pressure hull. Then when down enough for pressure to hold the hatch down,
at THAT point, THEN she would become an ambient again by opening those valves. She was a slightly buoyant pressure hull, being forced under by her dive
planes until she had enough outside pressure to further fill her tanks and keep her hatches down, THEN they open the ballast tank water inlet valves and she
becomes ambient..
Basically, the sub would be operated as a pressure hull at the surface and also until a few meters under, THEN she would become ambient. Then you can
switch her back to a pressure hull also.
It's a little complicated to explain how they dove like this, it's a little tricky how this is done. I hope I explained it so everyone understood it. 