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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Dry ambient concept

Exactly! Pierre has a motorcycle, right? If not, he has or can get a bicycle.... (j/k Pierre, j/k!)

As for the conning tower/sail, if you want to flood it, why bother with this valve of that valve? Do you plan on using it underwater? If so, why flood it (unless you're trying to escape a sunken craft)? If you don't plan on using it underwater and plan on flooding it, simply make it out of material not as thick as the hull, and have drain holes drilled into the CT *before* you weld it to the hull. Not really "holes" as in *holes*, but more like 180* or "half-holes". You can have a light metal screen for sail cover to keep critters and fish from becoming hitch hikers when you surface. This way when you go under, it floods freely. When you surface, it drains freely.

Alexander Foreman wrote:

On Thu, 25 Mar 2004 08:14:56 -0500, "Pierre Poulin" <pipo305@hotmail.com>

Hi Alexander!

Good to hear that you are beggining to collect parts! Your project is on
the way!!!

Will be very slow this year 8-(. Still paying for other expensive toys.

I tough (think) about that floodable cunning tower. Maybe we can use a one-way valve to remove water when surfacing and put the vent of the ballast inside the tower to fill it up with water once the ballasts are full when going down. What do you think?

Very clever. I didn't think of using the vents!
I like the floodable conning tower idea for many reasons. It adds very
little weight to the boat yet increases your freeboard dramatically.
Problems - increased drag.
         - Needs to have room for the main hatch to open.
         - Drips of water get on tuxedo when exiting boat

Also, why not make you ballast like UPswept wings to increase stability
on surface?

My seating is in a sitting position with head in the conning tower. The
ballast tanks are below eyelevel. The downsweep is to increase angle that
the occupant can look downwards from the conningtower when looking out
the sides. The underside of the boat will also be acrilic so view
downwards is good. I'm trying to reduce the blind spot. I may opt for a
different configuration, but that will only lead to different problems.

Me, somebody stole my car last night. And the worst part is that I had
sub parts in the trunk...

Ouch! You need one of those south african flame-thrower car alarms.


Talk to you later!

Pierre "carless" Poulin

MSN Messenger : discutez en direct avec vos amis ! http://messenger.fr.msn.ca/

Look on the bright side - at least you have a half-finished sub.
Don't forget to spend all the insurance money on your sub - worry about
transport later.

"By the side of religion, by the side of science, by the side of poetry, stands natural beauty. Not as a rival to these, but as the common inspirer and nourisher of them all." -- G. M. Trevelyan