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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: new p-subber

On Thu, 25 Mar 2004 21:25:57 -0600 David Buchner writes:
>At the risk of making this list appear to the cynical even more like a 
>mere social club for fantasy-prone geeky idlers, I will post this bit 
>of information that is not strictly related to making a deep-diving 
>submersible out of materials available at Home Depot.

Home Depot?   Maybe a revision of Bullshit Bingo for Psubbers is 
needed ....

>Little miss as-yet-to-be-named Buchner has been born. A little late, 
>after many trials and tribulations, by c-section. Tuesday morning. 
>She's utterly perfect, and mom is sturdy and on the mend. And we're 
>pretty sure we can deal with anything, now.

Life is good.   I remember how all that felt, for me, both times.

I'm not sure "As-Yet-To-Be-Named" will lend itself easily to  a
child-speakable nickname.   You might want to reconsider that.
Also, typically, names are capitalized.   So is "Miss."  But we 
recognize that Psubbers are strongly individual.

Take your wife  roses, but do NOT -- the voice of experience, here -- say
to her anything like, "Gee, you were pretty good at that.   But I missed
some stuff.  When can we do it again?"

>Look out, world.

Ah, yes.

Enjoy, and congratulations!


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