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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Pictures of Dan H.'s sub Persistance

Yes, the plans run $350 US.  I don't think it's craved in stone.  The mileage does vary.  There is more then one person selling the plans.  Some may offer some building support, some may not.
How comprehensive? 
Well they're not as good as some drawings I've worked with, and not as bad as others.  There are several mistakes on them but nothing critical.  Small things like a missing dimension here and there but not important ones.  There are plenty of detailed drawings.  Almost every part is a separate detail drawing.  It's a pile of paper. 
There is a bill of material on each assembly drawing and a list of the drawings for one sub.  There is no master bill for the purchased materials.  Some of the things like thruster motors, props and thruhulls are either not called out or not available anymore.  They are old plans and things no longer being available is to be expected.  With a little work I found substitutes or made my own. 
I liked the K-350 and the plans because it's a sub that's proven and recognizable.  There may be some out there holding up mailboxes but there are people that will know the design if, and when, I decide to sell.
As far as being an old design sub, there is a lot you can do to modernize it or customize it.  After all, aren't most subs a modification of a basic design, a larger cylindrical hull with a round conning tower sticking out of the top. 
Cost?  If you plan to count time, your pursuing the wrong project.  If I was working for a dollar and hour, I could have earned a nice car by now.  So, not counting time, I have about $12,000 US in the project but that includes materials for a trailer.  The sub was probably about $10,000 but I have a machine shop and didn't farm out anything but the rolling of the hull.  All costs, were materials and purchased components.  I didn't try to keep an exact figure.  Being married, it's easier that way.  Being married at the time I wanted to build it is part of the reason the name "Persistence" is appropriate.  *S*
Dan H.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Pictures of Dan H.'s sub Persistance

In a message dated 3/16/04 10:25:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, Ray.Keefer@Sun.COM writes:
K-350 plans are $350, not $3500.
Hate those order of magnitude errors ... was thinking $10/ft.  $350 is much nicer.  How comprehensive were the plans? 

"Call nothing thy own except thy soul.
Love not what thou art, but only what thou may become.
Do not pursue pleasure, for thou may have the misfortune to overtake it...
Live in the vision of that one for whom great deeds are done ..."

Man of LaMancha, D. Wasserman