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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Speaking of youngsters and dive physiology in general

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 11:47:58 -0800 (PST) Chris Nugent  writes:
>     I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 14.  Been taking meds 
>ever since and they keep it nicely under control, no worries.

I have the same situation.  Same age, even.

>  When I 
>decided I wanted to build a sub I made some inquiries with my 
>neurologist regarding learning to scuba dive, and she said she had no 
>problem with it as long as the instructors are aware and able to cope 
>with it. 

Back when *I* asked the question, when I was 14, my neuro 
smiled at me in that kindly way reserved for idiots when asked
the question.  My mother had  told him I was interested in diving.
Right there, I switched to submarines.  Yes, I got The Look when 
I made my announcement about the switch.

> So, for those of you who are well versed in scuba and dive 
>physiology, what are your thoughts on scuba diving for those people 
>who have a seizure disorder but since they take medication and are ok, 
>want to do it?  Is there any history of epileptic scuba divers and 
>what changes are made to accomodate any abnormal effects of gas or 
>pressure on a slightly less than perfect brain like that?

I prefer "modified" to "slightly less than perfect."

I'm interested in any commentary on this, too.   I can't imagine
that it would be practical (read "possible") to juggle the gas
mixture to allow for different brain chemistry.   To do this, one
would have to hook up the epileptic to an EEG, in a hyperbaric
chamber, and alter the gas mixture when they seized.  In most
circles, that would at very least unethical.   Interesting, but not
permitted, these days. 

>     I think we're all pretty well agreed that scuba certification is 
>a prerequisite for building a sub, so I hope this doesn't sink the 
>whole plan. 

If I can't dive, I'm not going to scrap the whole thing.  I'll just have
to cultivate some divers.  Gail, need any help in your humanities


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