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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Speaking of youngsters and dive physiology in general

   Hey guys,
     I've been on this list for some time now, and don't speak up much, preferring to sit back and listen and learn, but look out!  I'm piping up now for one quick question, then I'll sit back again.
     Per the recent thread on kids and scuba and hyperbarics and the relationship of each to the other, here goes:
     I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 14.  Been taking meds ever since and they keep it nicely under control, no worries.  When I decided I wanted to build a sub I made some inquiries with my neurologist regarding learning to scuba dive, and she said she had no problem with it as long as the instructors are aware and able to cope with it.  So, for those of you who are well versed in scuba and dive physiology, what are your thoughts on scuba diving for those people who have a seizure disorder but since they take medication and are ok, want to do it?  Is there any history of epileptic scuba divers and what changes are made to accomodate any abnormal effects of gas or pressure on a slightly less than perfect brain like that?
     I think we're all pretty well agreed that scuba certification is a prerequisite for building a sub, so I hope this doesn't sink the whole plan.  Also, if it matters, my sub will be a 1-atm design.
                Thanks for any comments and observations,

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