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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Escape Hatch Realities dive plan

> atozed@juno.com schrieb:
> Having backups is part of  good planning, and planning for survival is
> more important than planning for diving.
>  After your high pressure air is gone, or you don't have enough to
> raise the inside pressure to within 1 p.s.i. of the ambient at your
> depth., you may need a scuttle valve to save your life.
> Two or three small problems, each alone, are easy. Together they
> can cause a disaster.
> Maybe put a valve on each side so they can't suck in mud? 

Dammed -good point.. I have only one big flood vale in my drawings.. 
If the boat capzied to this side in the mud.. Should be two - one on
each side. Thank you - Carsten

I can use the equal-air-inside-and-ouside-pressure-for-long-hours
operations-valve (mount in the hatch) before open the hatch to leave the
boat - to get the air bubble out before open the hatch. But I think I go
with the hatch capture hook. Is quicker. 

>As my hatch
> is a top dome, it will have escaping air rising, helping to lift it.
> Water will rush in, I will scuba out.
> -Peter Korwin