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Re: Fw: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Escape Hatch Realities

It its right that some surviors from sunken submarines during WWII
descripe that the hatch open and close again and again very violent by
the escaping air bubbels - one point more for the flood with water
solution. But one air bubble will be left on the ceiling.. Some subs
have a hook which capture the hatch if it goes open to 90 degree.. 

The idear to flood the boat completly - with maybe a addional vale in
the hatch to keep the trapped air bubble out is new for me - and mybe a
good idear to discuss. 

regards Carsten

Jeff Post schrieb:
> Hi All,
> Several people have mentioned increasing the air presure until you can open the
> hatch. It seems to me that it would be much better to flood the cabin, open the
> hatch and swim out. By increasing the presure and then opening the hatch it
> seems two things could happen, either the first air escaping the hatch lowers
> the air presure and the hatch slams back shut, or alternately you get killed by
> the turbulant mixing forces of the in rushing water and the out rushing air.
> JP