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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Testing designs (was: Scuttle valves & Divorce Court)

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 11:47:26 -0800 Steven Mills  writes:
>> We used to worry about dead horses.  Now it's toilet seats.   We all
>> need new hobbies.  Would anyone like to discuss -- off list -- the 
>> relationship between the Enlightenment and the American Revolution?
>Actually, I discovered a set of computational tools that work quite 
>well with  "the Enlightenment and the American Revolution"  It's an
>subset of differential calculus based on Heisenberg's uncertainty
>The proofs are too involved to list here, but descriptively it operates 

[snip the math]

I'll pass this on to Dr. Briceland and Professor Wray.   Or should I
wait until I'm really in the program?   

>Sorry I'll comment on the rest of your post later. Meanwhile check out
>that report on the AUV performance calcs for low speeds.  

Send the URL again, please.  I can't find it here and now.


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