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Re: Fw: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Escape Hatch Realities

Actually, you are quite correct, FD. Look at Alvin and the success rate the crew has had. A few problems arose, and I think one incident of jetisoning the hull and attachments. But for the most part, they stay away from anything dangerous.

Danger may be fun, but dying a slow oxygen-deprived death is NOT.

Fly Deep wrote:

Scuttle valves: It is a generally accepted rule of thumb that most submarines will have high pressure air for the ballast system. There is no need for a Scuttle Valve. All that is needed is a valve that can be opened from the inside that will let in high pressure air into the pressure vessel till it’s equal with the out side. Then you will be able to open the hatch, I do have lots of experience in submarines and it is not a normal procedure. It is mush better to make a good dive plan and we in submarines do not just get tossed into the water and drive around all willy nilly across the ocean floor. This action would be a death trip waiting to happen. Next, the life support system should be designed for a minimum of 72 hours for each person. But in truth, if you get stuck on some thing you will probably die from
hypothermia before your life support is depleted.

Also, it should be considered impossible to escape from a submarine at
any depth deeper than 200 feet!
. As the pressure is increased in side the sub so that it’s possible to open the hatch you will become over come by Nitrogen Narcoses. So at that point you’ll be having a bad day but you may not care. These are the facts, don’t get hung up on any thing down there. It will probably be the last hang up you’ll ever have. DJB
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