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Re: Ray- was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Self introduction

PSUBS.ORG will never be all things to all people.  It simply is, what it
is.  If you obtain benefit from discussing issues related to home-built 
subs with others who have the same interest, great!  If not, no problem
and no hard feelings.

The target audience of PSUBS are not those who are trying to mimic
Nyutco Research and build manned vehicles that can reach thousands of
feet below the ocean's surface.  That type of vehicle most certainly
requires advanced engineering design and production.  If that is the
level of expertise a particpant requires for their project, they are
not likely to find that information here.

However, building a "personal" sub that can sustain and survive
reasonable depths of up to 600 feet is not rocket science.  It
requires careful consideration in design and production, requires
mechanical skill, and requires money; but it does not require a Phd
in physics or engineering.  That is an undisputable fact.  We didn't
name this group the "Oceanographic League of Engineers for Deep Research
Vessels", we named it "personal" submersibles.  Hopefully, the name
accurately depicts the type of discussion that occurs here.

It shouldn't be surprising to anyone that top level "experienced" sub
builders who have popped in here out of curiosity or any other reason,
have chosen to leave at one point or another.  Not to pick on Phil
Nuyten, but if you're designing multi-million dollar nuytsuits and other
deep sea research vessels you are unlikely to be mentally stimulated by 
discussions about what o-ring to use for a water tight seal or what
material is best used for ballast.  Do you really expect to see Burt
Rutan contributing to the amateur home-built aircraft discussion group? 
If he popped in one day, sent a couple of messages, and then left the
group would that be an indication that the group had no worth?

Gail is incorrect to classify PSUBS.ORG as "the almighty Psubs" because 
we've never promoted ourselves in that manner.  I don't quite understand
exactly what she sees as a problem.  She seems to be an advocate for Pat
Regan and has on numerous occasions brought him up as another reference
in her responses.  That is absolutely fine.  Pat Regan use to frequent
this group and now has his own web site.  I'm guessing that we even have
a link to it.  If not, we can put one on.  PSUBS.ORG is not in
competition with Pat Regan, Phil Nuyten, US Sumbersibles, or anyone else
and we welcome all redirection to other web sites or facilities that can
answer questions better than the people on this list.

Lastly, to Gail...please don't feel that you can't criticize PSUBS.  You
just might try a different approach than making it sound like nobody
here knows what they are talking about, are unqualified, or have to go
to Pat Regan's web site to get real information.  I can understand how
some people on this list interpreted your message in that manner.
