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Re: Ray- was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Self introduction

"Don't feel I can't criticize Psubs?"  I brought up the fact that people who don't build submarines are telling others how to do it, and look what it got me.
"Try a different approach?"  I may have teased a little, but I was never, obscene, profane, or perverse in my criticism.  The replies I've received most certainly are all that, and I don't deserve to be treated this way.
Interestingly enough, the people I was speaking to seemed to take my criticisms in the spirit in which they were intended.  Other people in this group have over reacted and jumped in to attack me in ways that are far more insulting, profane, and sick than anything I ever said here.  But you and Ray Keefer are both closing your eyes to that, and supporting the attack on me.  So, Psubs condones what Steve Cutajar, Erik Muller, and Stan Freihoff have said to me here?  Then my criticism is that this group is irresponsible, and promotes internet email terrorism.
You guys are wrong, but you can't admit it.  Now you're all ganging up on me to drown me out with obscenity.  That's really sick. I hope everybody is taking a good look at this.

Jonathan Wallace <jon@psubs.org> wrote:
Lastly, to Gail...please don't feel that you can't criticize PSUBS. You
just might try a different approach than making it sound like nobody
here knows what they are talking about, are unqualified, or have to go
to Pat Regan's web site to get real information. I can understand how
some people on this list interpreted your message in that manner.


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