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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Self introduction

Thank you Steve.  I appreciate that.

Yep, safety first. As I learned mining, "if safety ain't first, your first mistake could be your last".

Steven Mills wrote:

Hello Gail,

Well, to set the record straight, I have built submersibles. 3 in fact.
I didn't think it was worth mentioning, because 1.) they were never
2.) Local divers who had shops in the same complex that I had my workshop
bought them from me before they saw final completion.  The first 2 were
wet subs based on the Popular Mechanics and the 3rd was to be an
ambient sub.  I had planned to build an improved design 4th sub from
the money I made on the other 3, but business problems put a damper
on this project.    Previous to these projects, I had built surface
craft; 2 sloops
and a smal power boat.

I would not under estimate Michael or Carl. They've been members of this
longer than I have and I have had some very interesting discussions with
offlist.  Michael's knowledge is quite formidable and he has a grasp of
fundamentals and is a consummate historian of nautical and aviation
especially on the technical side.  For me, Carl is a down-home and
Don't mistake his mannerism for lack of knowledge and common
between the lines.

There exists a camaraderie and fraternity here on pSubs, so the
may be a lack of serious because of some of the joking around and off
messages. But the end result is "submersibles" and total regard for
Take a poll of the members here, there are engineers, physicists,
archaeologists, psychologists, former Navy divers just to name a few.
quite a knowledge base and collective wisdom.

I think the internet is such a wonderful place that there are resources
as pSubs and Vulcania to seek knowledge from experienced people.


On Sun, 7 Mar 2004 02:12:18 -0800 (PST) Gail Paleka
<gailpaleka@yahoo.com> writes:

Alexander, Welcome to Psubs. Here you will find people very willing to give advice about submarines. What Carl, Steve, and Mike didn't tell you, though, is that they haven't actually built a submarine yet. Just thought you should know so you can put their advice into proper perspective.

If you want to understand Psubs better, you should read the Archive very thoroughly. You'll be amazed at what you find there. I know I was.

If you want to write to someone who actually does build and operate submarines, the man who "wrote the book" on homebuilts is Pat Regan, and you can contact him through his website at:


Pat's the guy that Psubbers go to when they seek information or advice. He's been doing this kind of thing for many years. He has an instructional manual coming out soon that will teach people like us how to design and build our own submarines. This guy really is the best, and you can sign up for his book on the message board at his website. When he's not too busy, he answers technical questions, too.


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