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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Self introduction

Hello Gail,

Well, to set the record straight, I have built submersibles. 3 in fact.
I didn't think it was worth mentioning, because 1.) they were never
2.) Local divers who had shops in the same complex that I had my workshop
bought them from me before they saw final completion.  The first 2 were
wet subs based on the Popular Mechanics and the 3rd was to be an
ambient sub.  I had planned to build an improved design 4th sub from
the money I made on the other 3, but business problems put a damper
on this project.    Previous to these projects, I had built surface
craft; 2 sloops
and a smal power boat.

I would not under estimate Michael or Carl. They've been members of this
longer than I have and I have had some very interesting discussions with
offlist.  Michael's knowledge is quite formidable and he has a grasp of
fundamentals and is a consummate historian of nautical and aviation
especially on the technical side.  For me, Carl is a down-home and
Don't mistake his mannerism for lack of knowledge and common
between the lines.

There exists a camaraderie and fraternity here on pSubs, so the
may be a lack of serious because of some of the joking around and off
messages. But the end result is "submersibles" and total regard for
Take a poll of the members here, there are engineers, physicists,
archaeologists, psychologists, former Navy divers just to name a few.
quite a knowledge base and collective wisdom.

I think the internet is such a wonderful place that there are resources
as pSubs and Vulcania to seek knowledge from experienced people.


On Sun, 7 Mar 2004 02:12:18 -0800 (PST) Gail Paleka
<gailpaleka@yahoo.com> writes:
> Alexander, 
> Welcome to Psubs.  Here you will find people very willing to give 
> advice about submarines.  What Carl, Steve, and Mike didn't tell 
> you, though, is that they haven't actually built a submarine yet.  
> Just thought you should know so you can put their advice into proper 
> perspective.
> If you want to understand Psubs better, you should read the Archive 
> very thoroughly.   You'll be amazed at what you find there.  I know 
> I was.
> If you want to write to someone who actually does build and operate 
> submarines, the man who "wrote the book" on homebuilts is Pat Regan, 
> and you can contact him through his website at:
> http://www.vulcaniasubmarine.com
> Pat's the guy that Psubbers go to when they seek information or 
> advice.  He's been doing this kind of thing for many years.  He has 
> an instructional manual coming out soon that will teach people like 
> us how to design and build our own submarines.  This guy really is 
> the best, and you can sign up for his book on the message board at 
> his website.  When he's not too busy, he answers technical 
> questions, too.
> Best, 
> Gail
> ---------------------------------
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