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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: OT: Copyrights

As an incipient professional historian who spends most of his
spare time doing research, I have some experience here.  

I copy pages, chapters and whole sections of books, from time to
time.  When I use the information in a paper, I provide the proper 
citation.  This makes it easy for someone else to get the book and 
do their research.

There's a loophole in the copyright laws, permitting academic
copying.   The purpose of it is to be a precise record of what was
written, to avoid problems with memory.  As long as that's what 
one is doing, one will not be in any danger. 

Copying any part of Stachiw's book for construction information
is NOT academic copying.  If I really wanted to actually use his
book in designing a boat, I'd buy the book.  It'll be less expensive 
all around if I do: no more copies, fewer odd papers in piles in my 
lair ... and the author gets paid for what he's done.

By the way, I don't copy much.  Usually, when I do copy something,
eventually I buy the book.   Much easier to have ALL of what's 
written than parts of it than can be taken out of context.

Mike Holt

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