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Would it be legal to place scanned images of the books online and only checkout the password  for accessing the online image to one individual at a time, while the real book sits on the shelf? --Doug J

In a message dated 1/9/2004 1:51:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, Ray.Keefer@Sun.COM writes:

> Hi,
> The topic of a PSUBS Library has been discussed before. It was even discussed in the proposed Charter (http://www.psubs.org/charter.html) back in 1998. 
> The big problem is that I don't have enough time to keep up on web site as it is. Managing a library with all its shipping, prodding, begging, tracking is going to be a major headache. So who do we all trust to be librarian? Any voluteers?
> The biggest fear is these books tend to be a bit hard to find. Not quite rare but hard to find, unavailable or out of print. What then? Do we charge a deposit? How do we replace a unreplacable book?
> I am game to hash this topic around for a while to see what we can colectively work out.
> Regards,
> Ray
> Ian Roxborough wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I believe I've heard this idea kicked around before, but I wasn't
> > able to find anything in the mailing list archives.
> > 
> > But, what about a PSUBS library?  Where you can checkout a book
> > by mail and when you're finished you mail it onto the next person.
> > The last time I looked there seemed to a number of open source
> > software projects/applications for managing book collections and loans.
> > 
> > I would be willing to donate a copy of the new "Handbook of Acrylics"
> > book (with the 2 CDs), possibly some other books to get things
> > started.
> > 
> > This would, of course, be ran on the honors systems, but with
> > maybe some basic guidelines to help avoid books getting lost,
> > such as return the book before moving house (the main time I
> > seem to loose books....).  People borrowing books need to pay
> > postage.
> > 
> > What do we needed?
> >   - a place to host a library website (or book list, or whatever).
> >   - some people to play librarians, maintain the book(s) list, etc.
> >     maybe with serval volunteers it could be a rotating duty.
> >   - rugged and reusable shipping/mailing containers so books can
> >     be mailed many times without too much wear and tear.
> >   - ???
> > 
> > Is this of interest any psubbers?
> > 
> > I don't really have time to set this up or run it, but I do believe
> > all psubbers need access to these books.  Even if it's just while
> > they save up for there own copy.
> > 
> > On a side note, I don't believe a psubs 'mail order' library
> > is any replacement for owning these books.  If you are designing
> > a 1 ATM submersible yourself, budget for $1000 to $1500 
> for
> > buying books.
> > 
> > Regards,
> >   Ian.