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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Group support...or is that "Support Group"?

Michael B Holt schrieb:
> On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 11:31:14 EST SeaLordOne@aol.com writes:
> >
> >Why the biber?  Biber was one of the most poorly designed midget subs
> >of  WWII, as I recall.  Sea keeping was poor, visibility was
> non-existent,
> >few made it  back to port because of suffication and operational
> limitations, and
> >it had  no depth keeping functionality.  If you dived, you simply sunk
> all the
> >way to  the bottom.  There was no way to hold depth.
> The reason for even thinking about a Biber is the "look."  The thing
> just looks like fun.   Other than that, a Biber was a classic weapon
> of desperation.

The original Biber has no hard tank .. that was the main reason that it
was a so poor diver
- a replica should have this, and the Torpedos can be very nice and
amazing big battery pods 
- thats true. And for saftey reason it should a soundinsulate Diesel. 
Could be a very fast over (6,5 kn) and underwater (5,3kn) boat - maybe
for costal trips 
(130sm OW and 8,6 sm UW) in the keys. 

The best reason and maybe the only for a Biber is the small garage size. 
And it is build in three bolted section - easy build and maintance is a
good point. 

> >I assume you will redesign the hull and internal structures, and replace
> the
> >gas engine with diesel?  While they did not perform well, they did look
> pretty
> >cool!
> One thing that I'd do is remove the torpedoes,  and make the hull
> circular in cross section.    The torpedoes can't be seen when the
> thing is in the water, anyway.

This will even increase the dive deep. 

> > I would certainly be willing to share my sources (some in German) with
> >you, if that is what you want to do.
> In German?   Might you have detailed plans, with volumes calculated?
> > Ever consider a Seehund?  That was a
> >very well designed boat.  I could get into that project.  Any other
> opinions out
> >there?
> I think the best one to replicate wil be the Seehund.   If I had the time
> and the money, I'd arrange a test flight in one of the Me262Bs, and
> then talk with that group about selling replica Seehunds.

The Seehund is a good selection - easy to build, long range 
(300 sm at 7 kn and 63 sm at 3 dived), good diver, a real weekender. 
And it is a two person sub..  even made from three bolted
sections - with the bolt frame inside to prevent corrosion. 
Maybe I would add a diver exit at the bottom.. 
.. pressureize the hole thing and get out..

Not so big just 14,9 ts (a biber has 6,3 ts)  

> I note that no one has yet suggested any Japanese minisub.  Why?

hmm.. they have Euronauts size.. maybe for most homebuilders a little to
A D-class Koryu boat is more or less a small costal submarine with a 
crew of 4-5 person. Needs big engines and a amazinmg big battery. 
> (I gotta go to Thanksgiving dinner.  No one there knows anything
> about subs except what they see in video games.  Auuggghhhh!!!!!)
> Mike Holt
> PSUBSoFlotVaRon (Thanks for this idea, Mark.)

Carsten       PSUBSOvsFlotEurope