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[PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS Thruster Question

Ok, what was the reason we wanted the two vertical
thrusters for, again? I can't remember. Why not just 
spend the money for those two thrusters on the two
horizontal thrusters and make them rotate 360 degrees?
This thing should be bottom-heavy enough not to need
vertical thrusters...Unless I've forgotten something.
If we can get by with two, or make the vertical 
thrusters a seamless option, we could save a lot of
money and fabrication time. Not to mention at least
two hull penetrations! I plan to build this thing, and
want to make sure I am getting the best sub for my 
money and elbo-grease. (By the way, Pierre, have you
decided on the Sofnolime or are you still interested
in trying that scrubber-by-the-sheet material
awhile back?)


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