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Re: Prone position.. was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Carsten: Sgt. Pepper

> And if it rolls, you still have the same problem.  Where are you gonna
> be if the sub rolls?  On your back on the ceiling.  Ouch.  And you most
> likely lose control of the sub.  Double ouch.
> CarThe I intend to use the compartment under the pad as the 
> location for at least part of the electronics ... in a pressure hull that 
> small, waste not want not.  Being essentially wedged between the roof and the 
> straddled padded compartment, I *shouldn't* go anywhere when inverted during 
> hydrobatic maneuvers.
>>>I guess I pad the ceiling, neh?
Was thinking way low centre of gravity. Hmm. Scrap tungsten? Looking for some at local scrap yard, anyway.
Does reduce need for ballast. 
Ryan was talking about a 'stale air compressor' that is triggered when air pressure goes too high, based on o2 added/co2 maybe scrubbed equation.
Really liking 'modular Mk. 48 torpedo' approach. Can try different motor/fin arrays. Plus, have sit-upright option via heigtened passenger cab.
Anybody try to combine a hydrofoil boat getup with a sub? Means can make a 'pure sub' profile, without WWII sub style compromises?