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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: more wireless communication, 'n unorthodox innie/outie power supply

When I get the time I plan to make some IrDA
trancievers that work acoustically for submerged use.
I need to do some research to find the most suitable
frequency, but it should work great. This would allow
you to communicate and control remotely through the
medium of water.


--- Ian Roxborough <irox@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> I'm hoping to have an external 802.11 antenna, with
> a more traditional
> thru-hull, but 802.11 will be great for short
> distance surface
> communication with surface vessels, plenty of
> bandwidth (more for b and g
> type 802.11) for video conferencing and transmitting
> video footage or
> digital still imagines taken on the last dive.
> One thing about shining light through acrylic, as
> the temperature
> of the acrylic increases, there is a rapid decrease
> in the in it's
> strength.  While this might not be a problem for
> communications
> (this is will be pretty easy to test as well, just
> measure the
> temperature of the acrylic after different lengths
> of exposure to
> the level of light required for communication), it
> could be a big
> problem for sending light for energy through acrylic
> to a solar
> cell.
> Ian.
> On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 10:35:17 -0700 (MST)
> dinosnider666@spacemail.com wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Ryan informs me my
> ultrasonic/wireless/magnetic/light communication
> proposal generated huge responses - nice to be
> loved.
> > Presently talking to award winning engie/computer
> guy at UW Sanjay Singh about jury-rigging 802.11
> card to use magnetic induction instead.
> > 
> > Just want the credit. Guy in Slashdot took my
> advice on using monitor to also use am  radio to
> chat - no credit. The jerk. Don't be a jerk!
> > 
> > Also like idea of powering thru hull with magnetic
> induction. In theory, by moving where emitter is,
> can 'plug in' to various placed on hull. For my
> seawater wetcell idea, the entire power supply is
> effectively external - so power passenger
> compartment THRU hull from OUTSIDE instead of usual
> VV. Could 'plug in' either with mechanical latches-
> or via electromagnetism. I'm playing with this for
> house-based mag-ind heaters/power plugs- with no
> plug for kids to stick a fork into!!!
> > Nice thing about using sonics, is no need to find
> right/same in/out plug position - transmits thruout!
> Using vibration isolation mounts would isolate
> various sound-based communicatons, combined with
> basic filtering would allow multiple ultrasonic
> chats at same time.
> > 
> > No reason could not isolate sound directionally
> from water like a whale, build in sound lag like in
> air for our ears (no learning needed), 'n have a
> sense of being 'immersed in the water' without being
> trapped in a tin can. SUrround sound, including
> up/down, all the better.
> > The size of soundwave dictates whether can sense
> volume differnece as well as sound lag. Thus
> elephant head being good with infrasonics. Me, I'd
> love to throw in a compression formula to expand
> hearing on ends to well into infra/ultrasonics -
> hear the dolphins play! They like 40-70,000 hz the
> best.
> > 
> > Looking to jury rig kid's toy DIY I found on laser
> pointers, embed blue laser into hunk of acrylic with
> mag-ind recharcher - or use solarcell thru
> transparent - to allow superior scuba chat. Figure
> could do it for about 20 bux.
> > 
> >  Hardcore scuba divers don't like wasting all that
> air in a full face mask. 
> > Anyway, just some ideas. 

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