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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: more wireless communication, 'n unorthodoxinnie/outie power supply

I'm hoping to have an external 802.11 antenna, with a more traditional
thru-hull, but 802.11 will be great for short distance surface
communication with surface vessels, plenty of bandwidth (more for b and g
type 802.11) for video conferencing and transmitting video footage or
digital still imagines taken on the last dive.

One thing about shining light through acrylic, as the temperature
of the acrylic increases, there is a rapid decrease in the in it's
strength.  While this might not be a problem for communications
(this is will be pretty easy to test as well, just measure the
temperature of the acrylic after different lengths of exposure to
the level of light required for communication), it could be a big
problem for sending light for energy through acrylic to a solar


On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 10:35:17 -0700 (MST)
dinosnider666@spacemail.com wrote:

> Ryan informs me my ultrasonic/wireless/magnetic/light communication proposal generated huge responses - nice to be loved.
> Presently talking to award winning engie/computer guy at UW Sanjay Singh about jury-rigging 802.11 card to use magnetic induction instead.
> Just want the credit. Guy in Slashdot took my advice on using monitor to also use am  radio to chat - no credit. The jerk. Don't be a jerk!
> Also like idea of powering thru hull with magnetic induction. In theory, by moving where emitter is, can 'plug in' to various placed on hull. For my seawater wetcell idea, the entire power supply is effectively external - so power passenger compartment THRU hull from OUTSIDE instead of usual VV. Could 'plug in' either with mechanical latches- or via electromagnetism. I'm playing with this for house-based mag-ind heaters/power plugs- with no plug for kids to stick a fork into!!!
> Nice thing about using sonics, is no need to find right/same in/out plug position - transmits thruout! Using vibration isolation mounts would isolate various sound-based communicatons, combined with basic filtering would allow multiple ultrasonic chats at same time.
> No reason could not isolate sound directionally from water like a whale, build in sound lag like in air for our ears (no learning needed), 'n have a sense of being 'immersed in the water' without being trapped in a tin can. SUrround sound, including up/down, all the better.
> The size of soundwave dictates whether can sense volume differnece as well as sound lag. Thus elephant head being good with infrasonics. Me, I'd love to throw in a compression formula to expand hearing on ends to well into infra/ultrasonics - hear the dolphins play! They like 40-70,000 hz the best.
> Looking to jury rig kid's toy DIY I found on laser pointers, embed blue laser into hunk of acrylic with mag-ind recharcher - or use solarcell thru transparent - to allow superior scuba chat. Figure could do it for about 20 bux.
>  Hardcore scuba divers don't like wasting all that air in a full face mask. 
> Anyway, just some ideas.