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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS Thruster Question
Rotating thrusters means you need both hands to control the them. When you
peer through to front viewport you have to stick your arms backwards. With
fixed thrusters you can steer with a (mobile) joystick. You might save on
the electrical through-hulls but you need two more complicated mechanical
hull penetrations. Using one vertical thruster is ofcourse still a very good
Thijs Struijs
----- Original Message -----
From: "Warren Greenway" <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 3:43 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS Thruster Question
> Ok, what was the reason we wanted the two vertical
> thrusters for, again? I can't remember. Why not just
> spend the money for those two thrusters on the two
> horizontal thrusters and make them rotate 360 degrees?
> This thing should be bottom-heavy enough not to need
> vertical thrusters...Unless I've forgotten something.
> If we can get by with two, or make the vertical
> thrusters a seamless option, we could save a lot of
> money and fabrication time. Not to mention at least
> two hull penetrations! I plan to build this thing, and
> want to make sure I am getting the best sub for my
> money and elbo-grease. (By the way, Pierre, have you
> decided on the Sofnolime or are you still interested
> in trying that scrubber-by-the-sheet material
> mentioned
> awhile back?)
> Warren.
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