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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New to PSUB (measurement units)
To be frankly honest, I cheat on this issue. I always
use inches in a fixed point format. In other words, no
sixteenths, but simply 1.00(0.0395), with mm
This is how things are measured in PCB layout. Just
don't ever use fractional values. Metric is way easier
to use, but I was brought up on "standard", so that is
what is intuitive. In the end I just use both because
it doesn't cost me anything when I have a PC that can
perform a billion floating point operations per
--- NeophyteSG@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 10/21/03 11:09:59 AM Pacific
> Daylight Time,
> buchner@wcta.net writes:
> for people who use math
> and measurement all the time, a system of units
> constitutes almost a
> language -- and expecting somebody to change their
> system just because
> "everyone else is using this other one," is
> equivalent (in a sense) to
> insisting that everybody should ditch the language
> they grew up with,
> and switch to Esperanto.
> Math *is* a language of sorts with its own rules of
> "grammar and syntax" ...
> something many sci-fi authors (re: first contact
> theme) have postulated for
> decades. Units of measurement equate more to a
> dialect than totally different
> languages. I wouldn't advocate or expect anyone to
> change to a system they're
> not comfortable with. However, on a purely academic
> note, I do think that
> metric is more intuitive to work with (even if you
> weren't raised with it
> [raising hand]), that it would be *easier* if
> everyone spoke the same dialect, and
> that global marketing pressure will eventually bring
> it about.
> Warm Regards
> Shawn
> *****
> "To see a World in a Grain of Sand
> And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
> Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
> And Eternity in an hour."
> -- Auguries of Innocence, William Blake, ca 1803
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