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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: FYI: For the toy sub collectors

On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 08:30:58 -0500 David Buchner  writes:
>>> I mentioned the "Water Bug" spinny random-swimming thing at 
>>>WalMart ...

>Oh, yes. It's pretty neat, but it needs a confined space to operate or 
>you'll lose it. Wacky hot tub sport. I'd love to build a 6-feet-long 
>version: it would be utterly terrifying!

I've been sitting here thinking about the idea of a six-foot 
"Water Bug."   

My Other Half used to grace the back seat of a Goldwing.
She and her husband spit, and he got the boke.  She misses 
riding bikes, but seems to have -- for the most part -- resigned 
herself to the idea that I'm not a biker.  However, when I showed 
her the drawings of a Chariot, she perked up and grinned at me.

I wonder if we might profitably consider a Chariot that
cruises along the surface, dipping under for a minute or
so?  No scuba would be required.   Conceptually, it's a 
PWC that submerges.

No, I have no idea how to keep from being run over by
curious, enthusiastic or stupid boaters.   That's a problem
we have whenever we submerge within sight of others.

>> Perhaps there's a kid[s] lurking on the forum soaking up all the 
>> knowledge presented here and one day step in with a good 
>>question or good  idea.
>That's a lovely thought; thanks for it. *Somebody* has to exert some 
>positive influence the next generations: steer them towards something 
>besides eternal, mindless, passive Brave-New-World-ish amusement.

I agree.  Education and exposure to the ideas are essential.  So far,
neither of my kids are interested.   But I'm working on them.   Most
kids seem to be happy with video games, though.

>Also, toy subs are an essential release from those of us who don't 
>have  a full-scale one yet -- and for those who do, in the off-season!

Speaking of off-season, I was always interested in diving under
ice.   I'm not sure where this started, because I think I recall talking
about it before the first trip under the Pole.   Somewhere I have
a Canadian journal article about under-ice submarining.   

Mike Holt

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