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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: FYI: For the toy sub collectors

Here is a build it yourself, 'Ictineo - II wooden submarine' model kit:


Here is more about the Incrineo II for another model page:


On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 11:08:33 -0400
Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 08:30:58 -0500 David Buchner  writes:
> >
> >>> I mentioned the "Water Bug" spinny random-swimming thing at 
> >>>WalMart ...
> >Oh, yes. It's pretty neat, but it needs a confined space to operate or 
> >you'll lose it. Wacky hot tub sport. I'd love to build a 6-feet-long 
> >version: it would be utterly terrifying!
> I've been sitting here thinking about the idea of a six-foot 
> "Water Bug."   
> My Other Half used to grace the back seat of a Goldwing.
> She and her husband spit, and he got the boke.  She misses 
> riding bikes, but seems to have -- for the most part -- resigned 
> herself to the idea that I'm not a biker.  However, when I showed 
> her the drawings of a Chariot, she perked up and grinned at me.
> I wonder if we might profitably consider a Chariot that
> cruises along the surface, dipping under for a minute or
> so?  No scuba would be required.   Conceptually, it's a 
> PWC that submerges.
> No, I have no idea how to keep from being run over by
> curious, enthusiastic or stupid boaters.   That's a problem
> we have whenever we submerge within sight of others.
> >> Perhaps there's a kid[s] lurking on the forum soaking up all the 
> >> knowledge presented here and one day step in with a good 
> >>question or good  idea.
> >
> >That's a lovely thought; thanks for it. *Somebody* has to exert some 
> >positive influence the next generations: steer them towards something 
> >besides eternal, mindless, passive Brave-New-World-ish amusement.
> I agree.  Education and exposure to the ideas are essential.  So far,
> neither of my kids are interested.   But I'm working on them.   Most
> kids seem to be happy with video games, though.
> >Also, toy subs are an essential release from those of us who don't 
> >have  a full-scale one yet -- and for those who do, in the off-season!
> Speaking of off-season, I was always interested in diving under
> ice.   I'm not sure where this started, because I think I recall talking
> about it before the first trip under the Pole.   Somewhere I have
> a Canadian journal article about under-ice submarining.   
> Mike Holt
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