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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Viewport Toughness

I don't know about it making the glass or arcrylic "bullet proof".

pierre&marie wrote:
> Hi People!
> I've been to a house building show here in cold Canada and there was a boot
> that sold "unbreakable" windows for thief.
> They say that there technologie can change a normal window into a bullet
> proof window.
> The basic of that method is to put a high resistance thin plastic film that
> stick on the window. Almost like a windshield. You should see me comming
> from now... I asked if we can put that film on acrylic and the said yes.
> Do you think that this could be helpful for psubs? It would not augment to
> strenght of the viewport but if it break it could prevent water from comming
> inside the sub or prevent the viewport from imploding?
> Comments?
> Pierre "Viewport Strenghtener Technicien" Poulin

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