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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Speaking of starting flame wars ...

Since we're on the subject of nuptials I have to relate an expeience
I had about a week ago. [ this one on *pre-nuptials*].
I was in the checkout line at a local store here. Behind me was
a young man [ younger than me]  with one of those bag of chew
bones and a chew toy and in the other a hair care product. He
juggled the items to count out what money he had, obviously pondering
what to buy and what to discard.  I struck up a conversation with him
and found out the hair conditioner was for his *fiance*.  This guy was
in obvious distress...he kept looking at the items and counting his
change. So, I asked him:

Q:Who came first the dog or the fiance?
A: The dog.

Q: Who talks back to you, the dog or fiance?
A: The fiance.

Q: Who forgives you all the time without question?
A: The dog.

Q: Who's your best friend and will never leave you?
A: The dog.

The lad  smiled and discarded the hair care product and I let
him in front of me to make his purchase.

So...is there a lesson here? Heck...I don't know! Pehaps, if you
have a furry and loyal friend, you should take him/her to the pSubs
Conference and all the sub exhibits for the honeymoon.
[ I don't know about cats or hamsters ]  Jon, do you allow pets at the
conference?  :-)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jonathan Wallace <jon@psubs.org>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 7:04 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Speaking of starting flame wars ...

> >Yeah, but PSUBS conferences aren't always held the week after the
> >wedding.
> So, you just schedule your wedding to coincide with the PSUBS
> conference.  Problem solved.  :)
> Jon