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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Through Hull Connections

Be careful with acrylic. A metalic onject embedded in
acrylic with shrink and expand at a different rate,
and that can cause acrylic to fail explosively (when
under pressure).


--- mckellar@earthlink.net wrote:
> Hi All,
> recent threads have opened the subject of through
> hull power connections.
> I still havent got hold of busby's or anything that
> may show me the proper 
> way to design these connections/gaskets etc.
> I am still far from the 'Carsten Point' but I have
> been favouring a fully 
> acrylic/polycarbonate hull.  With this in mind, I
> had imagined that 
> imbedding a conducting rod directly into the hull
> during pouring should 
> allow me to avoid ANY holes other than hatches.
> A similar method would be to imbed cables through
> the hull, laying them out 
> prior to the pour and making them part of the hull
> itself.  I have visions 
> of extreme pressure forcing the wires into the hull,
> but I guess a few 
> knots in the cable should prevent this.
> can anyone see any major flaws or problems with this
> idea? (cabling, not 
> hull materials - i already know acrylic has some
> drawbacks)
> thx
> peter

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