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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Some questions

On Sunday, April 13, 2003, at 12:53 PM, Dan H. wrote:
> I've run across the same "Doubting Thomas's."  Now, after two years of
> construction, I find that the word is out. People I never met before 
> know of
> my project.

This can be turned into a major plus - if the word gets around that you 
could use a certain type of equipment, often people will start giving 
you stuff, and they'll mention you to their friends, who might be able 
to help out in some way. Once you break through the perception that you 
are a Darwin Award candidate people start pulling for you. It's getting 
past that initial reaction that's important (and sometimes hard). 
Building hardware is a big help. Of course there will always be the 
naysayers, but if even only 10% of the people who hear about your 
project have a positive attitude, your chances of getting some useful 
help go way up.


Dr. Andrew Case, PhD.
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics,
University of Maryland, College Park
"If the United States tries nation building, it's got to [have] at the 
very top of its agenda a separation of church and state" - Pat Robertson

Dr. Andrew Case, PhD.
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics,
University of Maryland, College Park
"If the United States tries nation building, it's got to [have] at the 
very top of its agenda a separation of church and state" - Pat Robertson