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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: life support system designs and forced air co2 scrubb...

The filter medium can be recharged. At least, lime
and Sofnolime can. You simply have to steam it. The
will convert the CO2 into water (you can look up the 
complete chemical reaction in the archives.) You
simply have to reheat the water and evaporate in back
the filter medium. This will work as long as the lime
granules remain intact.


--- Leeoliver8@aol.com wrote:
> hello and again thanx for the info.
> is their a way that the co2 absorbent be charged coz
> if over three days ill 
> need 50 lbs of sodasorb then that means in a average
> dive of 3 hrs i wold 
> stiill need alot. also how long could i stay
> submerged b4 i would need to 
> surface to releive cabin pressure due to 02 being
> bled in wen the sensor says 
> cabin needs more o2.. thanx lee

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