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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Capt. Nemo's other projects

Hi Jeff,

The HYPERSUB was my first dry-sub project back in the 80's: a HI PERformance
SUBmersible with AIP drive.  I built the pressure hull and then got the idea
to turn it into the NAUTILUS MINISUB using E-motor propulsion.  I never gave
up on the idea, though, and at this time I have another basic pressure hull
downstairs and two possible drivetrains to put into it: one is a Kawasaki
jetski, and the other is a 454 Corvette.  Doc and I have been noodling
around about underwater dragsters.  (He's got something radical planned for
the future, but I'll let him tell you about that.)  The dragster is
possible, but exceedingly dangerous.  I'm leaning towards rigging the jetski
for long distance and moderately fast speeds underwater.

The NAUTILUS DIVER is like the NEMOSUIT except it's the gear worn by Captain
Nemo's crew: the helmet with that crown-thingy on top and the
hose-and-filter-whatsit atop the visor.  MORSE just finished the boots,
AQUALA is about done with the drysuit, I've got a new hardhat here that I'm
modifying, and it ought to be done fairly soon.

All this LEAGUES stuff is intended for the video we've been assembling for
too long now.  (Bet everyone thought I'd forgotten, and I don't blame 'em.)
It just all takes so  much time because I have to work for a living and only
get to do this in my off hours.

You'll be able to see more about this stuff in upcoming magazine articles
and on other people's websites that are giving me pages; I'll let you know
when that's actually something more than vaporware.

The real information source about us will be on the two websites I've had
for almost two years now.  One is dedicated to 20,000 LEAGUES and our work
at VULCANIA SUBMARINE; the other is an information source for homebuilt
submarine enthusiasts.  I had 'em both up and running, but pulled them down
to revamp the sites with better graphics.  Then I got into shop projects and
never got them back up; all that's there now are the home pages.  I'm
juggling quite a few pins right now, but it's all aimed at coming together
at some time in the future.

Honestly, I don't have much time these days for discussion groups, and in
fact was disconnected from this one until the issue of the FORBES article
came up.  Now that that's pau, I may disconnect and submerge again to devote
more time to my projects.  But I'll let you know when I've got something you
might be interested in.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Post" <jeffpost@rawbw.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 6:09 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Capt. Nemo's other projects

> Hi Pat,
> I'm familiar with your Nautilus Minisub and the Nemo Suit, but I'm eager
to hear
> about Hypersub and Vulcania Submarine projects. Do tell...
> Jeff
> Quoting Captain Nemo <vulcania@hawaii.rr.com>:
> > FORBES said they wanted to do an article on the homebuilt submarine
> > lifestyle, and present it to their readers from the aspect of  "you can
> > do
> > this too".  I thought that would help subbers in general, so I agreed
> > to
> > participate.
> >
> > For the record: I did send them a written article which contained all
> > the
> > info necessary to do a fine story about these uniquely talented
> > craftsmen.
> > Through multiple phone interviews and one fact-checking session, I was
> > continually assured homebuilt submarine enthusiasts would be represented
> > in
> > a positive light.
> >
> > What hit the stands called homebuilt subbers "cheap"; misrepresented
> > numerous facts about me; misquoted me as saying that operating my
> > submarine
> > was "terrifying"; described my unique and reliable NAUTILUS MINISUB as
> > being
> > "frankly scary"; and skimmed over Karl Stanley's most noteworthy
> > accomplishments to detail the one time he was hassled by the Coast
> > Guard.
> >
> > >From the standpoint of someone with a real investment in homebuilt
> > submarines, that article couldn't have turned out any worse if some
> > jealous
> > non-subber wannabe had taken Armstrong aside and spoiled it for us.
> >
> > Regarding the question asked elsewhere in this thread about possible
> > guidelines: I'm not aligned with PSUBS, so I'm not going to suggest
> > what
> > this group should do.  Speaking for myself alone, I will say again what
> > I
> > said before.  From now on I only deal with publicists who let me write
> > my
> > own articles and publish them with minimal editing; and then ONLY after
> > I've
> > had a chance to correct the edited copy.  In film maker's terms: I get
> > final
> > cut.
> >
> > I recently rejected one publisher who wanted to portray me as "the mad
> > scientist Captain Nemo, working on his weapons of vengeance on a
> > remote
> > island in the Pacific".  But I've got two other magazines, one book,
> > and
> > three websites doing stories about my work.  I've also been invited to
> > speak
> > at a gathering of 20,000 LEAGUES fans, and received an offer of
> > sponsorship
> > for a major trade-show.  I'm serious about my NAUTILUS MINISUB, my
> > my NEMOSUIT, my NAUTILUS DIVER, and the other projects I'm working on.
> > If
> > some people can't respect that, I don't need 'em.
> >
> > Subbers have always been mocked by those unable to understand what we
> > do.
> > Never again will I let a non-subber tell my story for me.
> >
> > Pat Regan
> > Hawaii