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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Capt. Nemo's other projects

Hi Pat,

I'm familiar with your Nautilus Minisub and the Nemo Suit, but I'm eager to hear
about Hypersub and Vulcania Submarine projects. Do tell...


Quoting Captain Nemo <vulcania@hawaii.rr.com>:

> FORBES said they wanted to do an article on the homebuilt submarine
> lifestyle, and present it to their readers from the aspect of  "you can
> do
> this too".  I thought that would help subbers in general, so I agreed
> to
> participate.
> For the record: I did send them a written article which contained all
> the
> info necessary to do a fine story about these uniquely talented
> craftsmen.
> Through multiple phone interviews and one fact-checking session, I was
> continually assured homebuilt submarine enthusiasts would be represented
> in
> a positive light.
> What hit the stands called homebuilt subbers "cheap"; misrepresented
> numerous facts about me; misquoted me as saying that operating my
> submarine
> was "terrifying"; described my unique and reliable NAUTILUS MINISUB as
> being
> "frankly scary"; and skimmed over Karl Stanley's most noteworthy
> accomplishments to detail the one time he was hassled by the Coast
> Guard.
> >From the standpoint of someone with a real investment in homebuilt
> submarines, that article couldn't have turned out any worse if some
> jealous
> non-subber wannabe had taken Armstrong aside and spoiled it for us.
> Regarding the question asked elsewhere in this thread about possible
> guidelines: I'm not aligned with PSUBS, so I'm not going to suggest
> what
> this group should do.  Speaking for myself alone, I will say again what
> I
> said before.  From now on I only deal with publicists who let me write
> my
> own articles and publish them with minimal editing; and then ONLY after
> I've
> had a chance to correct the edited copy.  In film maker's terms: I get
> final
> cut.
> I recently rejected one publisher who wanted to portray me as "the mad
> scientist Captain Nemo, working on his weapons of vengeance on a
> remote
> island in the Pacific".  But I've got two other magazines, one book,
> and
> three websites doing stories about my work.  I've also been invited to
> speak
> at a gathering of 20,000 LEAGUES fans, and received an offer of
> sponsorship
> for a major trade-show.  I'm serious about my NAUTILUS MINISUB, my
> my NEMOSUIT, my NAUTILUS DIVER, and the other projects I'm working on. 
> If
> some people can't respect that, I don't need 'em.
> Subbers have always been mocked by those unable to understand what we
> do.
> Never again will I let a non-subber tell my story for me.
> Pat Regan
> Hawaii