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>From: Warren Greenway <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>

> It was written in ANSI C. C++ produced code that was
> too slow and large. I recall the binary being under
> 100KB, but I'm not sure at which point that was. It
> was certainly quite a bit under a meg. There was under
> three thousand lines of code involved, if I remember
> correctly. It also had an integrated collision and
> transform engine, neither of which would be needed
> on a sub. My brother and I were working on a re-vamp
> to increase speed futher, and add some features like
> selectable object highlights, but when the outside
> interest in the project dried up we dropped it.

Quite impressive package. However, I could see possibilities
for the collision detection external to the sub for avoidance in
an environment with unknown dynamics. [ or am I missing a
point here? ].

I recall a neat litle program in the early 80s called "Rocky's Boots"
involving a sub or hydrobot.  It doesn't compare with today's programs,
but PCs back then had 64K limits at 5-8mhz and large pixels, so
it wasn't bad and was fast compared to most.
