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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] FYI technical; car compass; cool toys

On Sunday, Mar 23, 2003, at 09:31 US/Central, Michael B Holt wrote:
> No, I didn't know about the perpetual motion compassses.   No one
> ever tells me the good stuff.

> That may be just you, at least this time.   I don't recall seeing
> doubles, but I do feel that some messages never arrived here.
Maybe then I got the messages that were supposed to be yours, in  
addition to mine. :-P  Can that happen? I'm pretty sure not. Seriously,  
there seem to be some odd glitches in this otherwise very nice Mail  
program Apple is pushing now. Of course my ISP is a rural telephone  
co-operative, so who knows where the problem is? Jon? It was a  
transient thing -- I got duplicates of all the Psubs messages for maybe  
3 or 4 days. And actually, I don't recall that happening with all of my  
mail -- just the Psubs.

> Sad movie.   The only times I have seen it was on TV.   I can't recall
> a reason for me to see it again.   Read a review of "Phantom Planet"
> for a movie of similar qualities.
MST3K did that one. I have that version on tape, not yet watched.

Very, very personal submersibles:
Seems like folks here might be interested in these. They're R/C or IR  
controlled subs, cousins of those micro R/C cars they were hyping at  
Christmas, small enough to drive around in your aquarium. I've been  
searching for US distributors of the first ones, which look like the  
tiniest - but no luck yet.

- - -
Osage, MN, USA