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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] FYI technical; car compass; cool toys

>From: David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
> > That may be just you, at least this time.   I don't recall seeing
> > doubles, but I do feel that some messages never arrived here.
> Maybe then I got the messages that were supposed to be yours, in  
> addition to mine. :-P  Can that happen? I'm pretty sure not. Seriously,  
> there seem to be some odd glitches in this otherwise very nice Mail  
> program Apple is pushing now. Of course my ISP is a rural telephone  
> co-operative, so who knows where the problem is? Jon? It was a  
> transient thing -- I got duplicates of all the Psubs messages for maybe  
> 3 or 4 days. And actually, I don't recall that happening with all of my  
> mail -- just the Psubs.

For what it's worth, I'm getting doubles and at times more, but not
from every message from pSubs. Also, I get messages dated a few
days up to a week back.  But it's not just pSubs. I'm getting doubles
and triple repetitions from other listserves/forums, too, again, only
orignating from a few subscribers.  I'll have to check the pSubs
archives to see if I have missed any posts that didn't come through.
