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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Dangerous Psubs ?

Or one hell of a mess with a dam.  Of course if you go to Flaming Gorge,
you drive right across the top of the dam itself.  BIG dam.  Nothing
like Glen Canyon or Lake Mead though.

Michael B Holt wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 17:48:52 +0100 Carsten Standfuss writes:
> >Warren I don't think so..
> >
> >Anykind of technology can be use as potential lethal..
> >A Psub is not more dangerous than anything else.
> The problem is that the U.S. government needs to appear to
> be doing a lot to protect the citizens.   It's not so much the facts
> as the way the average U.S. citizen thinks.   To most everyone
> I meet, the idea of a psub is a lot like the idea of having a
> rhinoceros as a pet.   The Americans you meet on this list,
> Carsten, are the brightest and the most imaginative citizens the
> U.S. has to offer.
> >And if it manage it way into the harbour it can blow at max.
> >one ship away..
> That could be enough!
> >An old -ready for scrapping- freighter full with nitrate
> >(fertilizer) and diesel in the had of a crazy man can blow
> >the hole harbour - including the town around..
> This has been discussed in some detail on another list I inhabit.
> We started to worry that someone in authority might think we
> were planning something!
> >How many fertilizer you get for the prize of one homebuild
> >Psub (15.000 Dollar) ?
> Another question is "How much C-4 can be bought secretly
> for 15,000 dollars?"   A couple of kilos of that can make a
> mess of a bus, and a carload could level a shopping mall.
> That's more likely!
> Mike H.
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