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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Empress of Ireland (was: Forbes story)

I don't recall.  Has been about 15 years since I last saw Posidon

Jari Siikarla wrote:
> At 05:09 20.3.2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >I have had nightmares of being in a sinking ship.  Imagine the cold
> >water, you're in a compartment with a few other people, and as they ship
> >goes down the water creates like a pressure tank.  Gets me to wonder if
> >people die from drowing or from excessive air/water pressure.  What is
> By a movie (name escapes me) if you are trapped at the bottom
> of sea in sunken ship with toxic waste you evolve/mutate to a
> murderous aquatic creature with green scales. So you might not
> want to rescue them anyway.
> >the deepest a ship has sunk and had survivors recovered?  Brings to mind
> There has been cases where people have escaped from sunken (or sinking)
> ships at deapth but the deepest rescues must be from submarines
> (to keep in psubs agenda ;).
> >the movie, "Posidon Adventure".  All star cast.  Ship gets hit by tidal
> >wave and capsizes.  Wonder if that's ever happened.  Ah, lots of
> This has happened in Finland at 27.12.1990 when a ship "Baltic"
> (the type of that has no engine and is towd or pushed by towboats.
> Sorry. Missing same essential naval english)
> and the towboat "Finn" was capsised in harbour of Hanko with men inside.
> If my memory serves me right it took 2-3 days to get them out.
> The ship remained partly on top of water, but completely upside down.
> They made a hole on the bottom and rescued the men. The boat propably
> was at the bottom and not floating, but thats just me quessing.
> I remember clearly being very exited when news reported that rescuers
> had heard sounds they believed were made by the crew.
> There is very little on it in web propably due to the early date
> (at least early in comparison of age of web)
> http://www.onnettomuustutkinta.fi/11574.htm
> This is only in finnish. Sort description of the accident by
> National Accident Invertigation Board.
> http://www.marine-salvage.com/companypages/hakans.htm
> A mention of it on the rescuers web-site.
> >questions.  Like how likely is it to have survived like the characters
> >did?
> So it can be done. Maeby not in high seas from a floating cruiser.
> And propably not throug propeller axle
> (isn't this what happened in that movie)
> Jari Siikarla

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