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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Empress of Ireland (was: Forbes story)

I have heard of it but don't recall seeing it.  Sounds quite
interesting.  How did they remanufature/filter the air?  Food supply? 
Man, lotsa questions now!

Michael B Holt wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 05:09:15 -0700 Coalbunny writes:
> >I have had nightmares of being in a sinking ship.  Imagine the cold
> >water, you're in a compartment with a few other people, and as they
> >ship goes down the water creates like a pressure tank.  Gets me to
> wonder
> >if people die from drowing or from excessive air/water pressure.  What
> is
> >the deepest a ship has sunk and had survivors recovered?
> Interesting question.   My guess is that survivivors have never been
> recovered from a ship that was deep enough to have required
> diving gear.
> > Brings to mind
> >the movie, "Posidon Adventure".  All star cast.  Ship gets hit by
> >tidal wave and capsizes.  Wonder if that's ever happened.  Ah, lots of
> >questions.  Like how likely is it to have survived like the characters
> >did?
> Well, to continue your line of thinking, have you ever seen the
> TV movie/miniseries "Goliath Awaits"?   It's about a ship that
> was sunk during a war, and it landed on the bottom intact.
> The survivors maintained a civilization; it was found by divers
> exploring the wreck.   I don't recall any submarines being
> in that movie.
> Mike H.
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