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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Empress of Ireland (was: Forbes story)

At 05:09 20.3.2003 -0700, you wrote:
>I have had nightmares of being in a sinking ship.  Imagine the cold
>water, you're in a compartment with a few other people, and as they ship
>goes down the water creates like a pressure tank.  Gets me to wonder if
>people die from drowing or from excessive air/water pressure.  What is

By a movie (name escapes me) if you are trapped at the bottom
of sea in sunken ship with toxic waste you evolve/mutate to a
murderous aquatic creature with green scales. So you might not
want to rescue them anyway.

>the deepest a ship has sunk and had survivors recovered?  Brings to mind

There has been cases where people have escaped from sunken (or sinking)
ships at deapth but the deepest rescues must be from submarines
(to keep in psubs agenda ;).

>the movie, "Posidon Adventure".  All star cast.  Ship gets hit by tidal
>wave and capsizes.  Wonder if that's ever happened.  Ah, lots of

This has happened in Finland at 27.12.1990 when a ship "Baltic"
(the type of that has no engine and is towd or pushed by towboats.
Sorry. Missing same essential naval english)
and the towboat "Finn" was capsised in harbour of Hanko with men inside.
If my memory serves me right it took 2-3 days to get them out.

The ship remained partly on top of water, but completely upside down.
They made a hole on the bottom and rescued the men. The boat propably
was at the bottom and not floating, but thats just me quessing.

I remember clearly being very exited when news reported that rescuers
had heard sounds they believed were made by the crew.

There is very little on it in web propably due to the early date
(at least early in comparison of age of web)
This is only in finnish. Sort description of the accident by
National Accident Invertigation Board.
A mention of it on the rescuers web-site.

>questions.  Like how likely is it to have survived like the characters

So it can be done. Maeby not in high seas from a floating cruiser.
And propably not throug propeller axle
(isn't this what happened in that movie)

Jari Siikarla