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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS Pressure Hull, DoubleEndcap

I think a tail structure is important in this design. As I posted before, I
worry about the tendency for this design to roll forward or backward. A tail
structure would help stabilize this.

Jeff Post

Quoting Warren Greenway <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>:

> Thijs, I finally got your hull imported. I am afraid
> that
> I can't edit the model, just view it. I will have to
> rebuild the model to run FEA on it. No biggie.
> However,
> I am looking at that hull, and it's really growing on
> me. I have gotten a professional engineering opinion
> of
> the hull design, with our application being taken into
> account; it recieved high marks. The only potential
> issue
> was stability. Any input on this? A small keel would
> be
> good, and could act as a drop weight. What about a
> short
> tail structure? I am also trying to work out how much
> battery capacity we could store inside the hull, since
> this design doesn't lend itself to external battery
> pods
> cleanly. I would like any additional ideas and/or
> input
> concerning the Thijs pressure hull. I'll post an FEA
> report when I have finished.
> Warren. 
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Jeff Post

Everything can be inherited except sterility.