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Ah, so while you know subs you don't know boats to well  *grins*  On the surface, a displacement hull is limited to a maximum speed as defined 1.34 times the length of the square root of the waterline.  I think I got that first number right....  I'll get the real number later this evening.  The other reason narrow boats are faster is that their wake moves less water.  versus a wider boat of the same length.

if you can find it, there's a book out called The nature of boats by dave gerr that covers all facits of boat design, and many of construction.  Everything from the galvanic scale to "proper" safety margins, and how to calculate a boats speed.  

Dave Gerr actually covers a few design studys of narrow boats in the book.  Though what he says about sailboats will apply more directly to subs.  

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On 1/15/2003 at 4:56 AM Coalbunny wrote:

>Interesting how length helps a boat.  I forget where I saw this, but it
>seems that a boat that is longer can out perform a boat that is wider. 
>So I presume it's the same with subs.  I figure that stability is in the