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I REALLY like this idea....  but that's kinda built into the concept of a tubular boat... the usnavy has done it on their boats on several occations.

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On 1/13/2003 at 1:41 PM Warrend Greenway wrote:

>I was thinking modularity on length. What do you think Doc? A PSUB that
>uses a
>simple repeating pattern over length? Cut and paste to length to suite your
>needs and budget? The only real reason I suggest this is that you could
>battery and ballast pods in banks to get variations on dive time by
>length and adding the next series of pods. The shortest length would be,
>4 meters and that would give you on set of battery pods, air, and ballast
>Is this the kind of modularity you were thinking of? I also like your dive
>of 6hrs, ours could be 1.5 units long? Hhmmm.