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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Garage Space

If any you guys are based in the UK and are looking for containers there 
are companies in Greenock,  Grangemouth and Tilbury that do these 
containers in the two sizes available starting at £400 and up to £5000 
for the insulated and stainless steel lined chilled kind, delivery is 
around £300. The chilled containers lined with stainless would be ideal 
for glass work if you remove the chill unit and add air conditioning,
they keep a very stable internal temperature.

			Regards, Garry Muir

On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 07:05  pm, David Buchner wrote:

> A friend and I have been chatting about building garages out of used 
> international shipping containers. You know -- the ones they clamp onto 
> those big container ships, and then you see them stacked up on railcars 
> and mounted on semi trailers. Our idea, roughly, is to use two of them 
> sitting garage-width apart, with roof trusses across the top. But it 
> occurs to me that those in need of a quick backyard workshop might be 
> able to just plop one in the yard, cut a man-door in it, wire up some 
> lights, and move right in. Lotta space in there...
> David
> buchner@wcta.net
> Osage, MN, USA
> http://customer.wcta.net/buchner