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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?

Hi Dale,

> Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?
> From: "Dale A. Raby" <publisher@thegreenbayweb.com>
> To: "PSUBS.org mailing list" <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Date: 05 Jan 2003 17:26:38 -0600

> You know, this is by far the most interesting mail list I have ever run
> across!  You guys have come up with some of the most ingenious and
> outlandish things I have ever heard of... 

Thanks. We are a bunch of frustrated over achievers. Only a few are
actually building subs. The others wish we were and dream up schemes
in the mean time.

> and you never bicker with each other.

Well you have missed some beauts! What you are seeing now is very mild.
Typically we let any idea related to PSUBS get discussed. Better talk
about it then see it in someones obituary.

However when the discussion degenerates to name calling, obscenities,
or off topic drivel I tend to step in.

> How long has this been going on?

Since 1997. See http://www.psubs.org/faq.html#howdidpsubsstart.
