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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?

>From: Warrend Greenway <dub@linuxmail.org>

> I am actually not an ME or an EE I am a software engineer who specializes
> in embedded systems......could quite literally be run on a potato.

That's great !  Now I know whose brain to pick  :)

You probably already know this, Warrend, and perhaps most
of the pSubs group, but just in case anyone is interested and
does not know, Dataq has offered promotional products for
free just for signing on to their maillist and newsletter.

I received a  DI-194  dsp with software.  It's nothing fancy or
sophisticated like 8/12/24 multichannel DSP's, but good enough to
learn and experiment with and with practical uses, too, like stepper
motors and simple appliances control, temperature...etc. It even
came with a screw driver.
Plus, just for being on the list, Dataq occaisionally sends notices
for discounted hardware/software.

