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[PSUBS-MAILIST] N.G.S.P.O = Non Garage Size Psub Outfitting

Steve - its to much off the psubs road..

-> So back to psub relate stuff.. ;-)

I just build the panels for my "Zentrale" (the control room). 
They are made from 4 mm aluminium plates and I have four fixed size: 

G1 = 11 panels real small    ( 160 x 101 mm) 
G2 = 11 panels small         ( 160 x 202 mm)
G3 = 14 panels medium        ( 320 x 202 mm)
G4 = 10 panels big           ( 640 x 202 mm)

Each panels contains something like the VHF radio, or the GPS units or
the compass, or the echosunder, switches, valves or gauges etc. 

One G4 can be replace by one other of G4 or two of G3 or four of G2.
Even one G3 can be replace by two G2 or one G2 by two G1 panels. 

So I can later relocate any panel if I found something should 
closer or far away from the captains chair or the divemasters seat. 

And I can outfit all panels in my basement - they fit later 
exact to the tread-holes in the walls.. hopefully..

And during my actice time at Greenpeace in the early 80ies it was easy 
to hear if the police taped your phone calls.. It make sometimes a
"click" during starting the call and the call was just a little quieter
than normal - maybe there equipment was really old.. :-)

regards Carsten

Steven Mills schrieb:
> Carsten,
> This is old news, but this must have appeared in the local and/or
> national news in Europe?  I didn't check to see if the BBC
> article was still online.
> --Steve
> ------------------------------ snip ------------------------------
> "German police have been forced to admit that dozens of criminal
> suspects had learned their phones were being tapped when the evidence
> showed up on their monthly phone bill."
> [...]
> "Telecommunications authorities said that nearly 20,000 lines were
> currently being tapped."
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2387269.stm