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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?

Mike, the Chinese have a big pit in many communities for just that. 
They use the gas gathered for cooking the community meal.  Of course
that info's over 20 years old, also.

Michael B Holt wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Jan 2003 12:50:09 +0800 "Warrend Greenway" writes:
> >
> >I wonder though...How practical could a methane digester be made?
> >Kitchen scraps, anyone?
> Long ago in a State far away, I used to visit some med students in
> Kentucky.  (I had fantasies about sleeping with two of them, but
> they eventually married nice guys.)   Anyway, we talked about doing
> just that for the apartment building.
> We finally decided that it would be fairly easy, but smelly.  They
> wanted to collect all the kitchen stuff, dump it in a 55-gallon drum
> and let it rot.   The top would be sealed and the methane would,
> we understood from the treehugger magazines at the time, flow
> out in just enough quanitity to keep a night light going.
> Mike H.
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