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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?

On Mon, 06 Jan 2003 12:50:09 +0800 "Warrend Greenway" writes:
>I wonder though...How practical could a methane digester be made? 
>Kitchen scraps, anyone?

Long ago in a State far away, I used to visit some med students in 
Kentucky.  (I had fantasies about sleeping with two of them, but 
they eventually married nice guys.)   Anyway, we talked about doing 
just that for the apartment building.

We finally decided that it would be fairly easy, but smelly.  They
wanted to collect all the kitchen stuff, dump it in a 55-gallon drum
and let it rot.   The top would be sealed and the methane would,
we understood from the treehugger magazines at the time, flow
out in just enough quanitity to keep a night light going.

Mike H.

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